
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Organizing Spice Bottles

Do you ever get frustrated trying to find a spice for a recipe and the bottles are all over the kitchen pantry?

Here are a few tips that will make that process easier.

Gather all of your spices in one place and check the expiration dates that are usually on the bottom or side of the spice container.

Purge any expired spices and add those to your grocery list that you will need to replace.

I'm not a big fan of the different sizes, shapes and colors of bottles, so I purchased some clear bottles and put labels on the lids.

If you are going to put them in a different container/bottle, be sure to write the expiration date on the bottom to ensure fresh spices!

Line the spices up in alphabetical order and then place them in an area that allows you to easily identify each spice.

Now you can get busy making that favorite dinner of yours!

Happy Organizing!


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Rustoleum Mirror Effect Paint

Have you ever had flowers delivered for that special birthday, anniversary or maybe Valentine's Day and then end up with another clear vase?

While I was at the Haven Conference last month I came across the Rust-oleum vendor booth and a really cool product that I knew I had to try out!  If you saw my Instagram earlier this month about a little trip to the hardware store, then you might remember seeing something about this paint.

But I won't bore you with that moment when I was just sure the salesperson at Home Depot didn't know what she was talking about when she told me there was no mercury glass spray paint by Rust-oleum but instead a mirror effect spray paint and how I bought it reluctantly, feeling somewhat unsure of myself.

Okay, so maybe I still haven't gone back to apologize but I am sorry and of course, my next trip to HD, I will find her and tell her how right she was!!!

For now though, I'd much rather share what I did using it as mirror effect paint because it's pretty cool too.

Items Needed:

Glass vases or jars

Drop cloth

Lint Free cloth

Painter's tape (I used Frog tape)

Dishwashing liquid

Glass cleaner (I used Windex)

Rust-Oleum Mirror Effect Spray Paint 

1.  Clean vases and jars

I washed my vases in dishwashing liquid first and then used glass cleaner as well.

 2.  Tape the outside edges of the vase and anywhere that you do not want painted.  I used tape on the small vase and then used newspaper and tape on the larger two and mason jar.  Make sure the tape is sealed well as you will see what happens when you don't!

3.  Hold the paint can 10-12" from the surface.  Press the spray button and begin covering the reverse side of the glass in a steady back and forth motion, slightly overlapping each stroke.  (Side note:  I couldn't spray and take the picture but I think you get the idea!)

So that's my "oops" didn't seal the tape moment.  

4.  Apply 3 or more light coats at a moderate speed.  For best results, apply multiple light coats versus one heavy coat.  This will help avoid running!!

5.  Let dry for 1 hour before displaying your work of art.

I would say it was well worth the $8.47 + tax for three new vases and a mirrored mason jar!

As for the Mercury glass effect, all you need to add is a vinegar & water solution and a spray bottle!  Maybe I will get brave and try it next week!!  You'll have to stay tuned!

Happy Organizing!


I received no compensation for this project and all opinions, ideas and projects are based on my own experiences.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Cleaning the Refrigerator

Cleaning the refrigerator can sometimes feel like a daunting task but in less than an hour you can have it sparkling with just a few steps.

Remove all of the items from the refrigerator including the shelves and drawers.  Wipe down the inside with your favorite kitchen cleaning product.  Wash the shelves and drawers before placing back inside the fridge.

I love using Fridge Coaster to line my shelves.  They have several colors and sizes to choose from and absorb spills.  They are very affordable and really keep the mess off the shelves.

One thing that I really like to do is organize my food in trays and bins.  I purchased mine from The Container Store but I have seen a lot of options at your local Wal-Mart, Target and Bed Bath & Beyond.

These Martha Stewart containers are great for storing leftovers and lunches to go!


Typically, I will "zush" my fridge weekly before I head to the grocery store and the containers make it easier to restock when I get home.

And that my friends, is how I do it!  Isn't it a great feeling after your finished?  I catch myself opening the fridge and just staring.....Ahhhhh!!!

Happy Organizing!


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Backyard Renovation - Part 2

I'm back for part 2 of our renovation and if you didn't get to read part 1 you can find it here but be sure to jump back over when you're done so you can see how it all turned out!

For the rest of you,  I believe the next phase of our project was our new fence.

My husband, being the structural engineer that he is, and the fact that we live in South Louisiana and have lots of hurricane threats, wanted a very strong fence.

I was going to say that I wasn't going to bore you with all the details of what "we" used to install our fence, but, when I asked my "engineer husband" for a few of them, I just couldn't pass up sharing the text message dialog that happened next.  It went something like this:

Me:  "Honey, I'm writing my post about the backyard makeover and need a "few" details on the fence.

Husband:  "Sure honey.  I used 38 - 6' x 6' posts...The back fence is 9'3" tall with posts at 5' 4" on center.  Posts are embedded 3' deep in ground".

Me:  "Thank you honey."

Husband:  "Side and front fence is 8' 3" tall.  Posts are at 7' 6" on center.  We used 4 - 2x4 rails.  That is the horizontal wood that the fence boards are nailed to.  Fence boards are 1x6x8' tall."

Me:  "Ok, that's good!  Thanks honey."

Husband:  "Fence boards overlap so that when the wood dries out and shrinks there will not be any gaps to see through, hence, a privacy fence.  The custom features include a 2x12 top plate, a 1x4  top side plate, and a 2x12 bottom plate.  The gates are reinforced with galvanized steel pipe frames to prevent sagging of the door frames with time."

Me:  "Ok, thanks honey!  I'm not getting that technical, but thank you!  Love you!"

Husband:  "Each post had 2 to 3 bags of cement."

Me:  "OooooKayyyyy"

Husband:  "All wood was pressure treated wood."

Me:  "Babe....OK.....GOT IT!"

Husband:  "I have more to give you"

Me:  "No really, I'm good."

Husband:  "Can't leave out that it's designed for latest ASCE 7-10 wind loads."

Me:  "Calvin, seriously, I am trying to get my post done!"

Husband:  "Therefore, this is a custom engineered wood privacy fence.  Enough?"


Husband:  "Done babe."

Whew!  Glad I only asked for a "few" details!

All that being said, remember that little tease about a trip to the ER?  That would be when "we were putting this fence up".  

The entire time we were out there, he couldn't have been more cautious about MY safety.  To the point that he would check, check and recheck to make sure the ladder was secure before I got on it.  

Unfortunately, while he was cutting a board with the circular saw.....well....(here's the part where me, the dramatic one, could get all "and the blood was oozing out everywhere, and "I" almost passed out"... but instead, we'll  just leave it at ..... the wound has healed nicely and he has full use of his thumb again!

Once the fence was completed and the thumb healed we were able to move on to the final phase of bringing in all of the "fun" stuff!!

I love the sounds of waterfalls and fountains so I knew I wanted one for the patio.  This feature was part of my inspiration for a "french provincial" style.  I placed a few plants and an orange tree around it for now and look forward to maybe adding some wall features in the future.  


One of our favorite parts of the backyard is our new hot tub!  Our original plan was to put in a swimming pool which I was pretty pumped about because I grew up swimming most of my life.  My dad taught me how to swim when I was 2 and I have great memories of summers spent at the pool.

However, this past December I was diagnosed with skin cancer and I continue to fight it today.  So, swimming pool was not in the cards!!!!

But, that sweet engineering husband of mine....well, he surprised me with a hot tub instead.  

It's large enough to seat 7 people with plenty of room to move around....and he got this huge umbrella so I can "cautiously" get in during the day if I want to!

I really enjoy it the most in the evening with all of the jets and lights and maybe a glass of wine or two!! 

Oh yeah.....When the guys were installing the hot tub, we were standing around admiring our new toy when I looked up in the tree and spotted this little big raccoon!

I couldn't get over the fact that this thing was out during the day, right?  Well,  that would be because SHE was pregnant!  She actually hung around daily in that tree because that's where she delivered her baby(s).

Sorry for the poor photography but I ran inside and grabbed the first thing I could find to get a quick shot!  I think this was a post-delivery moment!  She looked pretty pooped straddling the tree branch.  I actually saw one of the babies pop his head out of the hole in the tree just above the branch she is laying on.

I'm happy to report that Momma and babies have moved on and I can sit comfortably in the hot tub and not feel like someone or should I say, something(s) is watching me.  I mean, it was just a  little creepy!

The girls and I made a trip to Home Goods on Mother's Day and we found these pretty blue & white cushions that blend perfectly with my new melamine dishes.  When we were getting ready to check out, we stumbled upon this cooler "on wheels" which we can roll right up next to the hot tub for easy access to refreshments! 

We are really enjoying our new extension of our home outdoors and looking forward to cooler weather and lots of gatherings with family and friends!

Oh....I almost's a Before During & After of the patio!

My grand-dog, Lulu and I want to thank you for stopping by and hope you enjoyed the visit!


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Backyard Renovation - Part 1

Do you have an area inside (or for us) outside of your home that needs so much work that just the thought of it completely overwhelms you?

Another year goes by.....

and another...and another....

until you just can't take it anymore.....

so you bite the bullet.....

Well, that's what our backyard was for us!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Organizing For Back to School

My days of school organizing for little ones has long since passed...sadly.  But I still remember this time of year like it was yesterday.

The excitement of what the next school year was going to friends, classes, extra-curricullar activities.

How was I going to keep up with everything?

Will I be "that mom" that forgets to sign that permission slip that keeps little Susie from going on the field trip?  By the way, yup, I was that mom once or twice!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Annie Sloan Bar Makeover

This past October,  my mother-in-law passed away and I've had a hard time getting back into blogging since.  Fortunately, after attending the Haven Conference recently in Atlanta, I feel rejuvenated and know that she would want me to keep doing what I love.

It seemed like every time I was in her home, she would tell me that I could have anything I wanted.  My response was always, "Your things are right where they are suppose to be".

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Haven Conference & A Little Down Time

I'm not even going to try to explain where I've been since Easter but I will share where I've been the last few days (in case you were wondering).

For those of you who might not be familiar with the Haven Conference, it's a conference that is held in Atlanta, Georgia for roughly 350 bloggers (a lot of great DIY "stuff" but also very informative  about blogging, in general).

I missed the Haven Conference last year because I was a fairly new blogger and didn't find out about it until tickets were already sold out. This year I ordered my ticket early to guarantee a spot.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Spring/Easter Tablescapes

Although we are in the middle of our major backyard project, I couldn't let Easter come and go without adding some spring decorations to the inside of the house.  Today I am sharing with you my Dining room and Kitchen tables.