
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Purses and Pegboards

Purse update - 14 days in and my purse is still looking great! However, I'm still struggling with hunting through pockets for things! I know I talked about labeling the pockets, but I haven't found anything that really works. I love the idea of the pockets, but not so sure I like these, which got me thinking.....what if the pockets were clear? You would still have a designated spot for each item, but you would also be able to see it when you looked in to retrieve it.
So, if anyone out there knows of a purse organizer that has clear pockets - please let me know. Otherwise, I may have to resort to ziplock!
Now, on to bigger and better things...although not so sure what could be bigger and better than purses...haha!
I was thumbing through my Get Organized Fall 2012 magazine the other day and came across these great pegboard organizing ideas and thought I'd pass them on to you.
 "Get Organized" Fall 2012
I have used one in my office that I shared in a previous post, but I also have this one in my laundry room: 
Purses and Pegboards
I think mine needs an overhaul and I love the idea of painting it! (I'll have to put that on my "to do list" soon!) You can purchase pegboards from Home Depot and/or Lowe's and they will cut it to your dimensions.
Would love to see any other pegboards out there that are making life easier for you!
Happy Organizing!

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