
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Happy Feet

Have you ever been so excited about something....either good news about a job....

 or a new pair of shoes.....

or arriving at a vacation destination....

that you just couldn't contain yourself....and you started dancing......

without any music....

or a care in the world about who might be watching?

Well, that's what my sister, Denise and I call "Happy Feet".

And that's exactly what I was doing today....when this box arrived...

light fixture

I couldn't believe how fast my new light fixture for my office got here!

And, my sweet darling husband, with whom I am celebrating our anniversary with later tonight, will be installing it for me sometime this weekend.  (Of course, it will be in between lots of LSU Regional baseball games!!)

Louisiana State Baseball

Geaux Tigers!!

He promises....he will have it up and working before Monday morning...and I look forward to sharing it with you on the reveal day!

Stay tuned for sneak peeks of what else has been going on in my home office space!

Have a great day!


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Who Wants to be an Organized Wizard?

Want in on a little secret?

While I was busy working on my last month's Kitchen challenge, I regretfully have to admit that I let my home office space got a little out of control.

Okay.  Maybe a lot!

home office makeover

home office makeover

The first thought that came to mind, was "I Dream of Jeannie".  (For those of you who are too young to know what I am talking about, it was a tv show back in the 60's about a jeannie who, with a nod of a head, a blink of the eyes and folded arms, could magically change things).

Unfortunately, when that didn't work for me, I paused....

jumped on google search....

and somewhat inadvertently discovered the "Get Organized Wizard".

(I wasn't literally searching for how to become a jeannie I promise)...

but I did find a willing participant to help me bring my office back to some sort of normalcy.

The Get Organized Wizard offers several courses on organizing everything from your life - time management & goal setting, to your home - closets, offices, etc. to life and business strategies.

 This course is an easy process to getting your home office organized in about 8 to 10 hours over the course of 7 days!

It takes you through a journey of Purging, Reallocating Space, Filing, Adopting Habits for a Clean Desk, and keeping your office space Tidy!

I have completed 5 of the 7 days and am well on my way to Home Office Wizardry!  If you are interested in using this product simply click here.

I was compensated by "Get Organized Wizard" in the form of this product only.

I will postpone the Home Office Challenge Reveal until June 5th so that anyone who is interested in using this product will have time to implement!

Happy Organizing!


p.s.  The little secret - I once had an "I Dream of Jeannie" costume that I wore to a costume party.  (A long, long time ago!!)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Little Red White & Fruit

 Living in the south and not having a pool in your backyard can make for a very hot Memorial Day weekend!

july 4th party

Thank goodness for Pinterest and some great water recipes!

Fruit infused water

Calvin and I celebrated by having some friends and family over for a BBQ!!


Some how, the men ended up outside together while the women stayed indoors and enjoyed the good ole A/C!!


It was a great time to get together and celebrate the men and women who have and continue to fight for our freedom in this beautiful country of ours!


Hop over to to see the tutorial on how we made these yummy Patriotic Pops!

How did you celebrate Memorial Day?

And for all of my followers in other countries, I hope you had a great weekend as well!!

Take care,


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Office Space Inspiration

We are more than halfway through May and revealing our office makeovers!

 How is your's coming along?

Along with some serious reorganizing, I knew I wanted to make some aesthetic changes to my office space but have really been struggling with exactly what those changes were going to be!

Until now....

This room makes my decision crystal clear!

I can already feel that white rug on my bare feet.


There are several elements going on in this room that I'm in LOVE with!

For instance:

Paint colors
Single wall in a different color and pattern
Light fixture(s)
Top of the desk
White boxes
Cabinet with lighting

and how about that

candy/gum ball jar thingy!!

Stop drooling Kim, and get to work!

How do you go about changing a room?

Do you have an inspirational photo that you are working from now for your office space?

Would love for you to share with us!!  Just drop it in an email to and I will be happy to post!

Whew...I've got lots to do now!

Take care,


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Favorite Things Tuesday

Welcome Back My Friends to: 

Favorite Things Tuesday

greeting card

Are you one of those people that frequents greeting card shops?  

Do you find yourself laughing in the aisle out loud at one of those Shoe Box greeting cards and then looking around to see if anyone noticed your outburst?

Before you know it time has passed and you are standing at the checkout with a handful of cards that you just couldn't leave without.

Chances are you have just the right person in mind for each one but not necessarily the right time to give to them.

greeting card

You get home and they end up  in a pile somewhere with hopes that you will be able to put your hands on them when you need them!

I am one of those people!

While I was in search of containers for a client not too long ago, I came across this card holder.

greeting card

 It has six dividers with a tab that you can put custom labels on to keep your cards in separate categories.

greeting card

I gathered up my piles of cards and put them in stacks by card type, making labels for each category. 

I made five labels for the categories that I had the most cards for and then a miscellaneous one for all of the others.

label maker

I also purged some that lost envelopes along the way or just no longer made sense to keep.

There's something about sitting down to write a note to that special someone either for a birthday, a milestone, or just to let them know you are thinking of them.

greeting card

And that, my friends, is one of my favorite things!

Happy Tuesday!


Monday, May 20, 2013

An Organized Gift Wrap Station

Happy Monday Everyone!

Hope you had a great weekend and tackled some office space that needed to be organized!

My daughter, Kelly and her husband, Brad came in town for the weekend and on Sunday she and I made a trip to Target on a mission!


We barely got in the door when we were quickly drawn to the Dollar Section. 

It was like a huge magnet took over our bodies!


Who can pass up a great deal!


I loved these tin containers for $1.00.

The menu board is magnetic and can go right on the refrigerator with whatever glorious meal you have planned for the evening!!

I picked these gift bags up for $1.00 each.  They are roughly 10" x 13" bags and so colorful!

After finally pulling ourselves away from the Dollar Section, we hightailed it over to get what we really went there for which was these "over the door" racks that Kelly had seen on the internet for storing gift wrap and all of the pretties that go along with gift wrapping!


In typical "Kelly&Mom" fashion, we couldn't get back to my house quick enough to put this puppy together.


I know this looks like a lot, but it really was super easy to put together and it took about 10 minutes!

We started from the bottom up so we could get the most out of the space provided.  

After adding the wrapping paper we noticed that the unit was starting to buckle at the hinge that connects the unit together.  So we simply used a couple of nails to reinforce the unit on the door. 

If you don't want to put small nail holes in your door, you may want to try command hooks or some other type of reinforcement.

The unit comes with a couple of wire corrals that I was able to use to hang tissue paper over.

Do you have gift bags that you have skipped over for years but never get rid of?  

Why do we keep those?  

I purged through mine and finally let go of several bags along with any that were torn or bent.

Gift Wrap Station

This section was mainly devoted to Christmas ribbon, containers, and bows.  I used the tin containers to hold Christmas gift tags and smaller ribbon.


The top 2 baskets were devoted to other ribbon that I use a lot when wrapping presents.


Wish I had a before & after to show you but we were both so anxious to get started that I forgot to take pictures!

You will just have to trust me when I tell you that I freed up three baskets and two plastic storage containers and ended up with a very organized Gift Wrap Station!


I guess it's only fair that I go to New Orleans to help Kelly with hers, right?

How do you organize your gift wrap?  Please email me your pictures!  I love showing off my readers hard work!

Have a great day,


linking up to A Bowlful of Lemons

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Missing in Action!

I know I have been MIA for the past few days....


And while away, Mother's Day came and went without me wishing all of you Moms out there a Happy Mother's Day!

Shame on me!

Happy Belated Mother's Day to all of you awesome, magnificant, super fantastic MOMS!!!!

I also celebrated a birthday while away!

(bells and whistles)

I love birthdays (and Mother's Day)...especially when I am surrounded by people I love!

kelly and katie

My girls treated me to a picnic in the park (one of my favorite things to do with them)!


The mason jars are plastic!  They found them at Bed Bath & Beyond and the lunch boxes are from the Martha Stewart line at Macy's.

So much yummy food!!!  

And I wouldn't normally do this but I am so excited about one of the gifts that I received that I must share it with you.


Oh...why you ask?

Well, let me answer that for you!

I'm excited because you as my reader are going to benefit from my gift.

Mothers Day Gifts

No, I can't give you one too, but just think how much better my photos are going to be going forward!!

If anyone out there has any suggestions on how I can master the art of photography in supersonic speed, I'm all ears!  Until then, you will have to bear with me on my adventure!

Take care,


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Reader's Space - Kitchen Challenge Reveal

Today's post is all about you - my readers!  First, let me take a moment to say thank you to each and everyone of you who takes time out of your day to stop by and read my blog.  

My hope in writing and sharing things about my life, is that in some way - some crazy kind of way, you are inspired to do something positive in your own life/home.

I received some really great emails filled with lots of kitchen organization and want to share some of them with you. 

Reader #1

My first reader took some before & afters of her pots & pans cabinet.  



She expressed that she was tired of having to take out a stack of pots and/or baking sheets to get to the one she needed each time she was cooking or baking.  

She purchased a couple of cabinet organizers that allows for individual placement and makes it so much easier for her to access the item she needs 


I particularly love the lid organizer!  Great use of space!!


She loved the idea of the fridge coasters and bins and they have definitely made a huge impact on organizing her refrigerator.

Fridge Coasters

Reader #2

My next reader worked on her pantry this month and WOW what eye candy!!!!


Things I love:

Wooden crates with chalkboard labels
Clear canisters
Great use of space


How about this stainless steel pots & pans rack!
She mentioned that this is her favorite cabinet in her Kitchen and I can definitely see why!!

Thank you both for sending in your pictures and stories!  I get super excited when I open my email and see I have received something from a reader!!

Hope everyone is working hard on their home office space this month and please send in your pics!

Happy Organizing!
