
Monday, May 20, 2013

An Organized Gift Wrap Station

Happy Monday Everyone!

Hope you had a great weekend and tackled some office space that needed to be organized!

My daughter, Kelly and her husband, Brad came in town for the weekend and on Sunday she and I made a trip to Target on a mission!


We barely got in the door when we were quickly drawn to the Dollar Section. 

It was like a huge magnet took over our bodies!


Who can pass up a great deal!


I loved these tin containers for $1.00.

The menu board is magnetic and can go right on the refrigerator with whatever glorious meal you have planned for the evening!!

I picked these gift bags up for $1.00 each.  They are roughly 10" x 13" bags and so colorful!

After finally pulling ourselves away from the Dollar Section, we hightailed it over to get what we really went there for which was these "over the door" racks that Kelly had seen on the internet for storing gift wrap and all of the pretties that go along with gift wrapping!


In typical "Kelly&Mom" fashion, we couldn't get back to my house quick enough to put this puppy together.


I know this looks like a lot, but it really was super easy to put together and it took about 10 minutes!

We started from the bottom up so we could get the most out of the space provided.  

After adding the wrapping paper we noticed that the unit was starting to buckle at the hinge that connects the unit together.  So we simply used a couple of nails to reinforce the unit on the door. 

If you don't want to put small nail holes in your door, you may want to try command hooks or some other type of reinforcement.

The unit comes with a couple of wire corrals that I was able to use to hang tissue paper over.

Do you have gift bags that you have skipped over for years but never get rid of?  

Why do we keep those?  

I purged through mine and finally let go of several bags along with any that were torn or bent.

Gift Wrap Station

This section was mainly devoted to Christmas ribbon, containers, and bows.  I used the tin containers to hold Christmas gift tags and smaller ribbon.


The top 2 baskets were devoted to other ribbon that I use a lot when wrapping presents.


Wish I had a before & after to show you but we were both so anxious to get started that I forgot to take pictures!

You will just have to trust me when I tell you that I freed up three baskets and two plastic storage containers and ended up with a very organized Gift Wrap Station!


I guess it's only fair that I go to New Orleans to help Kelly with hers, right?

How do you organize your gift wrap?  Please email me your pictures!  I love showing off my readers hard work!

Have a great day,


linking up to A Bowlful of Lemons


  1. That looks so great!! I'm going to get one to organize my gift wrap supplies! Thank you for the great idea ;)

    1. Hi Shannon!

      Excited to hear you are going to get a rack to organize your gift wrap! I am really enjoying mine and it is super easy to put together as I mentioned! It was a lot of fun organizing as well!

      Thanks for stopping by!
