Welcome back to Favorite Things Tuesday!

A long time ago.....okay, a verrry long time ago, I took a sewing class in high school that I was sure was going to be an easy "A"!
I mean, after all, I had grown up watching my mom sew for six girls and occasionally, even sewing for my brother. I even watched my dad jump in and help mom whenever needed!
She would sit at that sewing machine for hours and make it look like the machine practically ran itself.
Easy "A", right?
Not so much!
My final project for that class was a pair of shorts that I was certain were going to bring my average up and I wouldn't have to deal with the embarrassment of anything less than an "A" in Sewing 101.
Let's just say the shorts were never worn by me or any other human being. I don't even think they made it out of the classroom that day. In fact, they found their resting place in the garbage can right after I received my not-so-good grade.
Recently, I received a sewing machine from one of my dear sisters, at which time, I graciously accepted it .
"It's a great machine", she said...."you're going to love it".
"I'm sure I am", I said....as I tucked it away in the back of a closet thinking maybe one day (a long time from now) I would pull it out and face my fears!
I didn't think it was going to be quite so soon! But, when I was unable to find pillows that were the colors of coral that I was looking for, I knew the day had come!
I reluctantly pulled the machine out, along with the manual and the "Sewing for Dummies" book that she sent (maybe she had a hunch).
I had no idea what I was doing or how I was going to sew pillow covers.
But....I've never been one to shy away from challenges and I knew this would be no different.
Thank goodness for Pinterest....
and Jackie at Teal & Lime.
I think she must have been sitting in my sewing class that day and knew sometime down the road, I would need a step by step video on how to make envelope pillow covers.
By far, the easiest thing I have ever sewn. I think it took me less than 30 minutes to sew two pillow covers.

Of course, that was after it took me about 30 minutes to reintroduce myself to my sewing machine.
Nonetheless, I did it!
I faced my fears and made my pillow covers!
And, I couldn't be happier with them.
Not saying I'm ready to open an Etsy shop for pillow covers, but Jackie, Teal & Lime, and my new pillow covers are just "A Few of My Favorite Things"!
Thanks Jackie!
Happy Organizing!
They are beautiful!!!! Can't wait to try my own! Thanks for sharing the tutorial!
Thanks Kelly! You are going to love how easy they are to make!
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