Monday, March 11, 2013
BH&G Spring Storage Issue
While my husband and I were on a trip to our local Home Depot this past weekend, I came across the Spring 2013 BH&G Storage magazine and realized I had not even opened my copy at home. So, while I was super excited about our purchases for the garage, I have to admit I couldn't wait to get home to my copy of the magazine!
If you haven't already purchased your copy, check around, but it was only supposed to be displayed through March 5th! It is well worth the hunt! For those of you who can't find a copy, I thought I would highlight a few of their many great organizing tips!
Kathy Jenkins, Certified Professional Organizer and founder of Come to Order says, apply the "SIMPLE" method when tackling a project:
S:Sort like with like.If you haven't already purchased your copy, check around, but it was only supposed to be displayed through March 5th! It is well worth the hunt! For those of you who can't find a copy, I thought I would highlight a few of their many great organizing tips!
Kathy Jenkins, Certified Professional Organizer and founder of Come to Order says, apply the "SIMPLE" method when tackling a project:
I: Identify what to keep.
M:Make a home for it.
P:Put it in containers.
L:Label it.
E:Establish a routine.
Here's a wrapping paper storage solution that I just may have
to try:
They used a towel bar, a mesh office accessory
and a coat of spray paint! Add a couple of 'S' hooks and voila - A Wrapping Station! So clever!!!
Just two of many tips I found in this issue....did anyone else have a favorite?
Hope everyone is working on this months' challenge to get their garages in order. Stay tuned later this week for some garage tips!
Just two of many tips I found in this issue....did anyone else have a favorite?
Hope everyone is working on this months' challenge to get their garages in order. Stay tuned later this week for some garage tips!
Monday, February 25, 2013
Organizing Cords
Once again, I have confirmation that my Dad was so smart and inventive! When I started searching my favorite places on the Internet for great ways to organize cords, I was pleasantly surprised to find that one of the more popular ones was toilet paper rolls, an idea that Dad shared with us many, many years ago! Of course, he may have copied it from someone else, but I know it wasn't from the Internet, being that there was no such thing back then!
Now, I will say that the somewhat boring roll has taken on many fashionable looks since then and here are some that I wanted to share with you...
So many different options! And what an inexpensive way to organize!
I'm thinking I might have some Washi tape in my future...
Hope everyone is enjoying their Monday and putting those finishing touches on their laundry room makeovers!
Happy Organizing!
Monday, February 4, 2013
Storing Kids Hand Me DownsSo your child has outgrown his or her adorable clothing, but you are not about to let go of those precious articles yet because you’ve got another little one (or two) right behind him or her that you know will be wearing the "hand-me-downs". So, what do you do with them?
The way you store “hand-me-downs” is key to seeing them on the next little bambino!
Here are a few tips that I think might help:
Typically, the best time to sort through your child’s clothes is when you know for sure the season has changed and there’s no chance he or she will be wearing that item again. For example, it’s probably safe to say that by October, those swimming trunks won’t be seeing daylight again until next May and by then little Johnny will have outgrown them.
Any items that are too faded, stained or have just seen better days, place in a pile to be taken to your local donation spot.
This step is the most important! The items that you are keeping need to be stored in a container that is easily identified. I recommend using different colored containers that easily identify the seasons:
Girls: PINK for Summer and Spring, ORANGE for Fall and Winter
Boys: BLUE for Summer and Spring, RED for Fall and Winter
Place a label on the outside of the container that identifies the sizes that are inside the container.
Newborn – 18 months
24 months – 2T
3T – 4T
If you have the storage space available, it’s good to separate the sizes so that when you need them, you won’t have to go digging through piles of clothes to find the correct ones.
You can follow these same simple steps when going through their toys as well. Girls toys in pink and boys toys in blue.
Now you’re done! Time to place those containers in your storage area until they are needed again.
Happy Organizing!
Monday, January 28, 2013
I remember as a child, receiving gifts for Christmas and birthdays that had "batteries not included" written on the side of the box. Luckily for me, having the organized mom and dad that I had, I always knew right where to go to get batteries to make my new favorite toy come alive.
Batteries are something that we will probably always need for some reason or another, so why not keep them stored in an organized fashion!
Here are a few ideas that I came across for storage solutions.
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I always like to find a way to use something I already have that’s going to keep me out of the store! And, if I can make it work just right, it leaves me with a big happy face!!
I tend to splurge a little when it comes to buying salad mixes. I prefer the organic ones in the plastic containers. It just seems to me they last a little bit longer. Probably just a psychological thing! The problem, though, is that I hate trashing the containers. So, I started saving a few as well as the ones that hold strawberries and tomatoes hoping that I would come up with a purpose for them. And I had just the thing!
First, I removed the original labels. Some come off easily and some not so much. For the tougher guys, I used Goo Gone (one of my favorite things for removing sticky adhesive).
After a good cleaning in dishwashing soap, they were ready for their new found purpose.
I made new labels with my Dymo Labelmaker using shipping labels, but obviously, you can use any kind of labels. I just found that I liked this size the best.
Then, I sorted through my container of batteries, checking for expiration dates to dispose of properly.
YIKES!! It looks like a few other things besides batteries ended up in the wrong spot.
After grouping them into categories by size, I placed them in the plastic containers and then back into a larger storage container that I keep in my laundry room.
As for disposal, according to Energizer, the majority of everyday use batteries can be disposed of with normal waste. There are a few exceptions, so I have included their website here.
This website also discusses the Do’s and Don’ts of batteries. Things that you might not be aware of like “Don’t mix different types or makes of batteries” – that’s a new one for me for sure!
Do you have any great storage ideas that you are currently using for your batteries? Please email pictures to
Happy Organizing!
Monday, January 21, 2013
Are you one of those people that loves to buy greeting cards and then don't know where to keep them until you need them? If so, you are not alone. And there are lots of different ways to keep them.
I recently purchased this one and can't wait to put my cards in it! (Pictures to come soon...)
Here are some other ideas I found in the www. world that I thought you might enjoy:
Neat ideas, huh?! If anyone has some before and after pics they want to share, please email them to
Happy Organizing!
Neat ideas, huh?! If anyone has some before and after pics they want to share, please email them to
Happy Organizing!
Monday, January 14, 2013
Medicine Cabinets
Some people may not think to clean out their medicine cabinets, but it is a very important area of the house to keep organized. Besides the fact that when you need that bottle of ibuprofen or cough syrup quickly, medicines have expiration dates that you don't want to miss.
I like to clean up my cabinet every January and then I can run to Sam's and purchase items for the year! Oh, and you might notice that I use a lot of generic brands. I was appalled to find out that you can purchase the same ingredients at a fraction of the cost by buying generic.
Here is what my medicine looked like before. Needless to say, putting everything in one container was definitely not working for us.
The first thing I did was pulled all of the medicine and vitamins out of the cabinets and cleaned the areas they were located in.
Then I went through each item and checked expiration dates and tossed the ones that had expired. I have included an article regarding proper disposal of medicines here:
Next, I divided all of the medicines into categories and placed similar items together.
When I was finished grouping like items, I took measurements of my storage area and then went in search of containers. I checked at the house first, but couldn't find everything I needed. So, I ran to Jo Ann's Fabrics and found these.
The medicines are in a cabinet in our bathroom that gets good ventilation. You may want to read this article regarding medicine storage.
So that's it! Set aside 30 minutes and get your medicine cabinet straightened up too!
Happy Organizing!
Monday, January 7, 2013
New Year's Resolutions
When I said “to stay tuned” back in November, I surely didn’t think I would mean for this long. However, sometimes things just happen and time gets away from us. The important thing is that I am back!! And I am sooooo excited for what the future holds.
This year is going to bring lots of new things for O is for Organize, and I can’t wait to start sharing them with you! So, thanks for not giving up on me and I look forward to sharing and hearing about new and exciting organizational tips and beyond!
I know I’m six days into the new year, but I’m hoping that New Year’s resolutions that you’ve made are still intact. If not, it’s certainly not too late to start over – right?!
There are lots of websites that you can go to and read about keeping New Year’s resolutions, and they all say basically the same thing. So, I won’t bore you with the redundancy, but I will tell you about one in particular that was shared with me several years ago and I have watched this person truly live them (and it’s really a simple concept).
1. Write them down on a piece of paper.
2. Make lots of copies and place them wherever you will see them numerous times a day.
That’s it! Seems too simple, huh? I can’t make any promises, but I know it worked for him and it has certainly worked for me. After all, I am here today writing this blog!
Happy Organizing!
Monday, November 26, 2012
DIY Mirror Makeover
It's been three years and for some reason, (probably because it didn't belong there) it never got hung!
A lightbulb went off and I remembered that I've been trying to find a mirror to go in the guest room that I am making over. (I'm getting very close to being finished and will reveal the makeover soon.) The color was definitely not right, so DIY here I come!!!
I ran to Lowe's and bought a can of spray paint - love this Rustoleum Paint & Primer in One! I already had painters tape and grabbed some old newspaper and a plastic drop cloth and got started.
I placed newspaper over the glass and slipped the edges under the frame to be sure I had the glass completely covered. Then I placed painters tape over the newspaper around the frame.
Here's a little trick that I learned the hard way - the instructions on the can say to "slide off the red safety clip from the trigger" - not so easy to slide off! I know I'm a blonde, but...I could not get that sucker to slide off! Finally, I decided to grab a flathead screwdriver and popped it off. You might want to point the can away from you just in case the clip decides to go flying. After that, the rest was simple, simple, simple!
After 2 coats and about 2 hours of dry time, it was done! After spending less than $10 for paint and a wire hanger on the back, my mirror was ready to be hung!
I absolutely love it! What DIY projects have you done lately?
Thanksgiving Traditions
If you are anything like me, the holidays are such an important time to be with family and friends and carry on traditions. And, whether you have children grown or not, this tip is still for you.
I'm so glad I have accumulated so many family recipes, because I can't think of a better way to carry on tradition then with food for Thanksgiving.
I'm usually searching through many recipes to prepare my Thanksgiving menu. Over the years, they have been written on all different types of paper and haven't stayed very clean! I decided why not put them in one location and eventually, pass on to my children.
I gathered together several Thanksgiving embellishments from my scrapbooking supplies as well as colorful paper. I actually used supplies I already had to complete my project.
We always receive Thanksgiving cards from our insurance agent and they were too pretty to toss, so I incorporated them into my book.
William Sonoma always puts out a Thanksgiving Booklet with timelines, cooking tips, and some recipes of their own. I simply tore out the pages I wanted and placed them in the front of my binder.
Then I used the different colored paper and printed out my recipes so they look uniform. Of course, if your recipes are in better condition than mine, you could just put the actual recipes or a copy in the binder.
Now I can easily prepare my grocery list and get ready for a fun day of cooking, followed by a relaxing dinner filled with new memories of Thanksgiving!
Happy Organizing!
Monday, November 12, 2012
Are you feeling the stress of Christmas coming?
Maybe it's because you aren't even close to getting all of your shopping done. Maybe it's because you are trying to figure out where in the world will another thing fit in your home.
Well, take some deep breaths, roll up your sleeves and get busy!
Let's address the first "maybe". Check your list (twice) and come up with a system of how you want to finish up your shopping. For example, there are six weeks left until Christmas. Take the number of gifts you have left to purchase and divide it by six and commit to purchasing that many gifts each week. You get the idea, right? Just decide on what system works best for you and commit to it. You will feel better about shopping, (less chance of going over budget when there is a plan) and you will feel great about sticking to a plan!!
Now let's address space for all those new gifts that will be coming to you and your family! This is actually where you may have to literally roll up your sleeves!
If you have children that are old enough, have them go through their old toys and get them to purge things that are either broken or missing parts. Encourage them to donate things that are in decent shape but they have outgrown and don't want anymore.
It's also a great time for Mom and Dad to do the same. You may have kitchen items that have made their way to the back of a cabinet and you don't ever use them.
Dad might have the same thing going on in the garage or his closet!
Hopefully, this will eliminate the stress and you will have more time for fun and to enjoy the holiday season!
Happy Organizing!
Monday, November 5, 2012
CD and DVD storage
Monday, October 29, 2012
Recently, my desktop computer decided it had seen its last day. When I was disconnecting it from all of the cords it was quite a mess. I had cords going every which way and needless to say, already being frustrated that my computer crashed, I wasn't very patient when dealing with the nightmare of cords.
The problem is the one I have isn't wide enough to hold all of the cords I have together and they can be pricey ($19.00). So, I went in search of something bigger!
CD and DVD storage
Do you have a bunch of CDs and/or DVDs that are taking up much needed space? Or, you may just be looking for a better organized storage system for them.
While I was recently working with a client who asked me to organize her CDs and DVDs, I came across a storage solution that I think would really cut down on storage space and keep your collection in a safe and organized system.
What you will need:
3 ring binder(s) - quantity will depend on the number of CDs/DVDs that you have
3 ring binder CD/DVD pages
I found these at Wal Mart for $14.97. Each box contains 25 pages, which holds 200 CDs/DVDs. However, I did notice that you can get them cheaper online.
That's it! That's really all you need! Now, if you want to pretty it up, you can always use some pretty scrapbooking paper and embellishments but that's up to you.
I haven't been able to organize my own yet, but am anxious to get started.
How do you store your CDs/DVDs?
Happy Organizing!!!
Cord Nightmare
Recently, my desktop computer decided it had seen its last day. When I was disconnecting it from all of the cords it was quite a mess. I had cords going every which way and needless to say, already being frustrated that my computer crashed, I wasn't very patient when dealing with the nightmare of cords.
Upon reconnecting my replacement computer, I decided that I needed one of those pretty cord covers to keep everything together neatly and disguise the cords.
The problem is the one I have isn't wide enough to hold all of the cords I have together and they can be pricey ($19.00). So, I went in search of something bigger!
Just cut out the toe part and voila! That's right, socks! You may have an extra sock that the pair is missing from (you know the type, right!). Or, you can really splurge and next time you are at Target, pick up a new pair for around $5.00 and use both for full coverage of your cords! I used the long boot style for mine.
Last week when I was searching for the right containers for my "under the kitchen sink" makeover, I came across these ornament storage containers at Target.
My first thought was "gotta have them" and then I had that typical conversation that I have with my inner "chatter box" that goes something like this:
Chatter Box (aka CB): Kim, do you REALLY need them?
Me: Well, I mean, no, I don't REALLY need them, but I REALLY like them.
CB: Okay, but what is it about them that you really like?
Me: I like that they are clear and I can see what's inside. I like that they are stackable and have a handle on top so you can carry a lot at one time. I also like the idea that all of my ornaments would be well protected from each other to avoid breakage.
CB: That's true. Okay, anything else?
Me: Yeah, actually! I love that the dividers are removable so I can store various sizes in them.
CB: Well, what are you waiting for? Sounds like a no-brainer to me. Oh, did you check the price?
Me: Of course I did. If they were really cheap, we wouldn't be having this conversation at all.
CB: Silly me! So how much are they?
Me: $11.99 each!
CB: Like I said, what are you waiting for?
Me: I have no idea! SOLD!
I was even able to adjust the dimesions to allow for my green tin of ornament hooks in the middle. Having all the hooks in one container is so helpful, and now I can store them in my ornament box for easy access when it comes time for decorating the tree!
Christmas ornaments are typically decorations that hold a lot of sentimental value. Many are passed down from generation to generation. My Mom had a wonderful tradition of giving each of her many grandchildren and great grand-children an ornament every year that related to each of them. Whether it was some type of sports theme for the boys or ballerinas for the girls, she always put so much thought into selecting each child's ornament. Now that I am coming up on my first Christmas without her, it makes these ornaments all the more special.
So, I ask you Ms. Chatterbox, "Did we REALLY need to have that conversation?"
Happy Organizing!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Does this ever happen to you when washing your bras with other clothes?
I sometimes wonder how many items can one bra twist itself around? When I begin the task of untwisting every thing, it reminds of when I was little and would sit on a swing and twirl myself around until I couldn't twirl anymore. Then I would unwind myself only to repeat the process again, and again! Ring a bell?
Needless to say, I was thrilled when my nephew's wife shared with me these bra wash bags. Yes, that is the name of them. Isn't it great that somebody actually named something what it is!!
And, because they were so inexpensive (under $5.00 a piece at T.J. Maxx), I purchased two for myself. I can fit two of my bras in one wash bag! After my first use, I did notice that the bag came unzipped however, it was an easy fix! I just needed to tuck the zipper into the end of the bag when closing!
The bag folds flat when not in use which makes for easy storage!
It has made a big difference for me and I guess I will have to go the park now if I want to do any more twirling!
Happy Organizing!
Monday, October 8, 2012
Hope this helps you stay calm during what should and could be a joyous time of year!
Monday, October 1, 2012
Checklists Bulging?
This time of year we really start to think about the holidays approaching, which can be both exciting and stressful. There are additional items that get added to our checklists, whether we are in school, at work, or at home. We are typically cramming more in with the same 24 hours in each day. This can definitely throw our brains and bodies into overload status. So, how can we keep from becoming a pinball machine? Here are 3 tips to keep you calm and organized:
1) Use a timeline to keep yourself from trying to do everything in 24 hours when it really might not have to be done for a week or month. (I will share an example of my timeline with you later in the week).
2)Try to do the more difficult items on your "to do" list first. We typically put those things off until last, and we can't stay focused on the task at hand because we are anticipating that more difficult one.
3) Get up 10 minutes earlier every day except Sunday, for those small items like unloading the dishwasher, throwing a load of clothes in the washing machine, etc. At the end of one week, you will have added an hour of "to do" time to your week!
Hope this helps you stay calm during what should and could be a joyous time of year!
Happy Organizing!
Monday, October 1, 2012
Garage/Yard Sales
Now that it's Fall, you are probably starting to experience cooler weather...hopefully! I don't know about you, but for me, if I'm thinking about a garage/yard sale, this is definitely the time of year I want to have one. If Springtime is better for you just print this blog and place it in a safe spot (maybe a file labeled "Garage/Yard Sale"), so you can refer back to it at the right time.
I opened my Fall issue of "Get Organized" and they have an entire spread on yard/garage sales, including a Supply List. I thought I would pass on some of their great tips:
Go through your house and decide on what you want to sell. "Get Organized" reminds you to not forget furniture, games, kitchenware, sports equipment and toys.
Think bulk. Get Organized suggests that customers will probably only have around $30-$50 cash, so don't hesitate to make deals. Just remember, if you don't sell it, you will have to do something with it!
Plan to lower prices. Price items to sell, but start high enough so that you can bargain.
Price items and use color-coded stickers (red is $1, yellow is $5, etc.). Hang a sign exlaining the system. Include three key words: "ALL SALES FINAL"
Here are some of Get Organized's Pricing Suggestions:
Normally we think about just advertising in our local paper, and maybe even posting signs around your neighborhood, "Get Organized" also suggested advertising with E-mail, Facebook, Craigslist, and .
Expect early birds
Be creative - remember most shoppers tend to buy two to three items, it's your job to nudge them "up to armfuls". Late in the day, toss in freebies, or cut deals.
A great tip from "Get Organized" is ask what they customer will pay. If a shopper wants you to sell an item for less, make them name the price first. Usually, it will be higher than your lowest offer.
A great tip from "Get Organized" is ask what they customer will pay. If a shopper wants you to sell an item for less, make them name the price first. Usually, it will be higher than your lowest offer.
Handling Cash
Get at least 40 $1 bills and some $5 bills. Also have a roll of quarters handy.
Wear a pocket apron. You can pick one up at Home Depot or Lowe's.
And lastly,
People like to buy from people who are happy, friendly and enjoying themselves. Besides, just think how much more space and organization you are going to have when you are done.
Good luck and Happy Organzing (and Selling)!
Monday, September 24, 2012
Spice Organizing
When it comes to spices, there are a lot of them! They come in different brands, bottle shapes and sizes! I've read and/or heard different ideas about when spices expire, but typically they range from six months to no expiration at all.
Here are my tips for how to organize spices:
1. Take all your spices out of the pantry/cabinet/drawer and check expiration dates. If the expiration date is past, open the bottle and do the "sniff test". If there is no smell or a very weak smell, toss them. Herbs will go bad before spices and they will lose their color and smell. The good news is spices and herbs don't spoil, so you won't get sick, but you probably won't get the full flavor of the spice.
2. Put your spice bottles in alphabetical order and take out any duplicates to be stored in a different location so you only use one bottle at a time.
3. You may consider purchasing a tier rack to store your spices back in the pantry so you can see each bottle better. This will also take up less space in your pantry.
4. If you want a uniform look, you can purchase spice bottles and label them.
5. Place the spices back into the pantry in alphabetical order. This will prevent you from having to hunt around the cabinet the next time you need them, and it will provide the spice with a designated place, which is key to keeping things organized.
Monday, September 17, 2012
With Fall just around the corner, it's a great time to go through spring and summer clothes, shoes, purses, etc. and decide what to keep, donate/sell and what to toss. As you go through each item ask yourself a couple of questions:
- Did I wear it this past Spring and/or Summer?
- If the answer is "no", chances are, you won't wear it next Spring/Summer.
- Next question, is this something I can donate or sell?
- If the answer is no, then it's probably time to toss it!
- If the answer is yes, then look into where you can resell it or donate to charity. I suggest you try to do it that day or the next. The longer you wait, the bigger chance you have of it never making it out of the house!
You might want to go through your fall and winter items as well if you didn't do this exercise last year. Only when you go through these seasonal clothes, try things on as well so you have an idea of what fits and what doesn't. You may determine what you need to be looking for when shopping this fall or you may determine you might need to be looking for a new gym instead! (just kidding - haha)!!
Happy Organizing!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Holiday Decorating
Isn't it exciting when you walk into your favorite store and see all of the decorations out for the next holiday coming up? It seems like they always have the decorations out about 2-3 months before it's time to take your own things out and start decorating. I figured out that they must think that I'll forget from year to year what I had in those beautiful clear containers in my attic, and then I would just have to buy, buy, buy! Well, to solve this little dilemma, I came up with a solution to help me remember what I have.
I purchased an inexpensive photo album and categorized each holiday using scrap booking labels I already had at home. Then as each holiday came, I went around the house after I finished decorating and took pictures of my decorations, and then I placed the pictures in my album. It took me a year (obviously) to complete my album, but it's so nice to have all my decoration pictures in one place. It really helps to refer to the pictures before heading out the door to buy new decorations. I can even remove the pictures I need at that time and replace them when I get back from shopping or take the album with me.
Here's a list of the holidays that I like decorating the house for:
New Year's
Valentine's Day
Mardi GRAS
St. Patrick's Day
Fourth of July
Now, if I could just come up with a solution for how not to buy new decorations just because I feel I can't leave the store without them!
P.S. Sorry I don't have pictures to share this week but I'm out of town for a few days. I will make sure I share my album when I get back.
Until then, would anyone like to share their holiday decorating secrets!
Happy Organizing!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Chalkboards aren't just for the Classroom
If you are like me, then once you organize your things in baskets or containers, you probably like to label them. If you don't have a label maker, don't fret, there are many inexpensive options to label making. One option that's very popular right now is the chalkboard. They come in many different shapes and sizes. As a matter of fact, you can even purchase chalkboard paint at your local paint and hardware stores, and paint your own design. The beauty of the chalkboard is that you can change them easily with just a wipe of the board.
These were purchased at World Market for $3.49 for a set of two.
Doesn't a label just give it the final touch?
Happy Organizing!
Monday, August 6, 2012
All of us, at one point or another have probably moved at least once in our lifetime and know how stressful and tiring it can be. However, a few key organizational steps can make your move a lot easier and a more pleasant experience.
All of us, at one point or another have probably moved at least once in our lifetime and know how stressful and tiring it can be. However, a few key organizational steps can make your move a lot easier and a more pleasant experience.
1. Use what I would call the "3 Box Rule". Before you start packing anything, go through your things and decide to "Keep", "Donate" or "Toss". You can Google where you can take donations to, Goodwill, or St. Vincent de Paul, or you may even know of a local church or organization. Try not to move things that you will never use or need again. Those are always the things that seem to overwhelm us when we are unpacking.
2. Make sure you have plenty of boxes (small, medium, and large) tape, markers, packing paper and trash bags. Try not to use newspaper when packing kitchen dishes or you may find yourself with loads of dishwashing later. Stop by grocery and/or liquor stores for divided boxes. They work well when transporting liquor and pantry items like vinegar, sauces, glass bottles, etc.
3. Have a priority system for your boxes. Things that you will need in your new place, on the first day, I would mark A. Things that you will need the first week, I would mark B and things that are low on your priority list, I would mark C. Start with one room, maybe your bedroom, and pack your boxes in the opposite order.
4. Pack boxes with the heaviest items on the bottom and don't mix boxes with kitchen items and bedroom items, for example. It will be more time-consuming later when unpacking.
Most importantly, I would try to break down the process of moving by giving yourself a goal system. Decide what you want to pack on each day so that by the end of the process, you should only have those Few "A" items left to pack.
Get plenty of rest and drink lots of water!!
Monday, July 30, 2012
Menu Planning
I'm always on the lookout for new pads, tablets, forms, etc. to write my weekly menu and grocery list on. When I was in Target container shopping for a client, I came across this one and had to have it.
It has plenty of room to write out my menu for each night. I love the grocery section because it has some preprinted items sectioned off by similar food types as well as ample blank spaces to write other items I need to purchase. It also has magnets on the back so I can place it on my refrigerator and jot items down that we need.
I find that when I plan my menu (which I usually try to do on Sunday evenings) I tend to do a much better job of getting ALL of my groceries on only one visit to the grocery store that week.
School is (almost) back in Session!
Even though it has been quite a few years ago, I can still remember my girls coming home from school and being so anxious to show me what wonderful things they created in class that day. I always enjoyed watching their expression and cherish the memories of their excitement. Along with that memory, I also have the memory of what to do with all that paperwork. I can honestly say that I can't remember what system I used way back when to store these items but I did come across this system from Jen at Iheart Organizing's blog and loved it.
It wasn't until Kelly and Katie had graduated from high school that I decided I needed to dwindle the items down and I purchased these boxes from the container store for lifetime storage.
Do you have a system you are already using that is working for you? I would love to hear from you!
Happy Organizing!
Monday, July 16, 2012
Manuals, Manuals, Manuals!
What to do with all those manuals?
Some would say to pitch them all and just look it up on the Internet, but it seems it never fails that when I need a manual the most is when the Internet seems to be working at a snails's pace. (I would imagine it has something to do with my patience at that point).
There are several options on how to keep manuals but the one that works the best for me is the Binder System. The following is a list of items I used:
3 - 1" binders different colors
1 package of 50 count recycled plastic sheet protectors
A to Z desk file sorter
1 package of "A to Z" tab dividers
Scrapbook paper
Adhesive letters
The first thing I do when I get a new manual is remove all foreign language versions and toss in the recycle bin. It's amazing how much you can eliminate, just by doing that. Then I use my desk file/sorter to get them in alphabetical order. Next, I slip them in the sheet protectors using the tab dividers where needed.
I divided them into the three binders and then used scrap booking paper and adhesive letters so they would be easy for everyone to identify (and fun to look at).
This type of organization for my manuals works so well and I find it to be extremely efficient. As soon as I have a problem working some type of kitchen equipment or need to check the warranty on something, like my iron, I know right where to go to get it!
Thanks for visiting my blog today. Please share your ideas on organization with me!
Happy Organizing!
Monday, July 9, 2012
Command Central
Last April 2 of my 5 sisters (yes, i did say 5) were hosting a tea in my home for my daughter, Kelly who was getting married the following July. I noticed that we kept going to one drawer for items such as tape, pens, pencils, matches/lighters, lint roller, etc.
I decided going forward that I needed a "Command Central" designated drawer in my kitchen. Now, I know, you probably think I'm crazy when I say this, but I'm in love with my Command Central Drawer, yup, I said "in love". I keep it to a minimum of items that way it doesn't get junked up with unnecessary things that I don't use on a regular basis.
I even put a small Yankee candle in it, "Pineapple Cilantro", and every time I open the drawer it smells like a Piña Colada which takes my mind to one of my favorite places, the beach!
Bed Bath & Beyond has a great selection of Yankee candles and the votive and/or tart ones are less than $2.00! What is your favorite scent?
See the candles by clicking here:
Happy Organizing!
Monday, July 2, 2012
I find that a lot of people tend to rush out and purchase new containers when starting a new project like a closet or a bathroom cabinet makeover. I don't recommend doing that because typically you purge things and then you bought more containers than you need or not the right sizes at all. Wait until you know what you are keeping and then measure what your actual needs are and the space you have to place your containers in. You have a much better chance of not having to run back to the store to return or exchange containers!
P.S. Never leave home without your handy tape measure!!
Happy Organizing!
Monday, June 25, 2012
Photos seem to end up in big piles of mess for a lot of us. Take a stack in the evening while watching one of your favorite shows and go through and toss any pictures that you may ask or say to yourself:
- Why in the world would I have ever kept this picture?
- Wow, this picture is really out of focus!
- Do I really need more than two copies of this picture?
Grab a garbage bag on your way to the sofa so you can place them in the "toss" bag right away.
- Happy Organizing!
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